
Der Köpi-Kletterraum / The Köpi climbing room

(English below) Ein selbstorganisiertes und nicht-kommerzielles Kletterprojekt auf 50qm. Zwischen den 4m hohen Wänden geht es um den Spaß am Kletter-/Bouldersport und solidarisches Miteinander. Wir verstehen uns als queerfreundlich und bieten kein Raum für Mackertum. Für den Erhalt des Projektes freuen wir uns bei Besuch gerne über freiwillige Spenden.

Öffnungszeiten und aktuelle Informationen untenstehend.

A self-organized and non-commercial climbing project on 50qm. Between the 4m high walls it’s about the fun of climping/bouldering and a solidary togetherness. We see ourselves as queer-friendly and offer no room for macho behavior. For the maintenance of the project, we are happy to receive voluntary donation when you visit.

Opening hours and current information below.

Closed Tuesday Nov 28 and Tuesday Dec 5

Today we won't open, same with next week. 



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Closed oct. 31; and: FLINTA* every 1st thursday

..but the other tuesdays we open, 6pm (pls try to be there before 6.45, sometimes no one appears and we close again. but if someone is there we mostly can leave it open till 8pm).

also, we currently have the FLINTA*(-only) opening time at every FIRST thursday of the month at 6pm. Next is thursday november 2.


your climbing room collective

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Irregular opening times

today march 22 will be open 18-19.50!
other than that we still keep the regular tuesday 18-20, yeah

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